Success is not something that happens to you; it’s something that happens because of you and because of the actions you take.
Grant Cardone
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is a powerful, yet simple, and practical guide that could potentially change your life.
I read this book for the first time a few years ago when I bought a copy for $1 from the used books section of my local library. I was so excited, because, it was at a time when a lot of these concepts were very new to me.
After reading it again for this post, I was reminded of how easy it is to forget what you’ve learned, however, there is so much here to learn.
Fortunately, it is a quick read, and you can always refer back to it when you need some inspiration.
If you’ve been struggling with why you aren’t as successful as you think you should be, then definitely keep reading for a summary of these Spiritual Laws of Success.
If you want to dive deeper I’d suggest you invest in a copy of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, it is a treasure for such a reasonable price.
Maybe it will give you the insight you need to succeed in business, entrepreneurship, or whatever it is you are striving for.
Acknowledging A Spiritual Approach To Success
To appreciate the concepts proposed in this book, we need to first consider a more spiritual approach to success and affluence.
According to one definition, success is defined as the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts and endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals. It is most often recognized by the material wealth, roles, positions, or honors we achieve in life.
Although success is often considered to be a process that requires much hard work, sometimes at the expense of others, it is viewed in this context as the ability to fulfill your desires with effortless ease.
Going beyond the basic definition; here, the spiritual aspect of success is considered.
Material abundance may be one component of success but distinguishing other aspects of success such as good health, vitality, enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, psychological stability, creative freedom, and a sense of well-being are all equally essential to defining success for most of us.
The Concept of Law
Chopra describes the concept of law as a process by which the unmanifest becomes manifest; the observer becomes the observed; the seer becomes the scenery and the process through which the dreamer manifests the dream.
I know, pretty deep, but hang on.
Chopra also suggests that all of creation or all that exists in the physical world is the result of the unmanifest (unknown) transforming itself into the manifest (known and visible).
The source of all creation is divinity (spirit); the process of creation is divinity in motion (mind); the object of creation is the physical universe that we perceive (including the physical body).
There is more detail in the book, but to sum it up, the concepts of mind, body, and spirit are the three components of our reality that are essentially the same thing.
These components all arise from the same place; the field of pure potentiality, which is purely unmanifest.
These concepts and their purpose start to become more clear as you delve deeper into The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, beginning with the first law, the Law of Pure Potentiality.
“The physical laws of the universe are actually this whole process of divinity in motion, or consciousness in motion. When we understand these laws and apply them in our lives, anything we want can be created, because the same laws that nature uses to create a forest, or a galaxy, or a star, or a human body can also bring about the fulfillment of our deepest desires.”
Deepak Chopra
Although Chopra doesn’t cite all of his references, we can guess that most of these concepts are collected from Hindu philosophy and its spiritual teachings.
To grasp these concepts, we must understand what pure consciousness is.
The following descriptions of Spiritual Laws can be more easily understood when you consider the idea that pure consciousness is our spiritual essence.
In other words, pure consciousness is pure potentiality, meaning that pure consciousness is the field of all possibilities which is infinite and unbounded.
Most definitions whether from a psychological or spiritual perspective describe pure consciousness as a state of mind, where the mind is free from mind activities and free of impurities (thoughts, emotions, perceptions, judgments, desires, delusions, etc.)
It is also defined as being fully aware as a witness but without content in the mind.
When we recognize our essential nature as pure consciousness, we can begin to understand who we are and our true potential.
The Law of Pure Potentiality
The Law of Potentiality is the first Spiritual Law of Success. It can also be called the Law of Unity because fundamentally, the infinite diversity of life is the unity of one all-pervasive spirit.
There is no separation between you and this field of energy. (Chopra)
In this state of mind we can fulfill any dream because there are infinite possibilities, but how do we access this field of all possibilities?
We must experience our true nature and the more we can experience this the closer we are to the field of pure potentiality.
One way to access the field of potentiality is through the daily practice of silence, meditation, and non-judgment.
Deepak Chopra – The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
Chopra goes further into the concepts of self-referral and object-referral.
Simply put, self-referral is to recognize our spirit as our internal reference point, and not the objects of our experience.
With object-referral, objects outside of the self, like situations, circumstances, people, and things continually influence our thinking and behavior.
For example, constantly seeking the approval of others would be considered object-referral. In object-referral, your internal reference point is your ego and not your spirit.
The ego is how you see yourself, or the role you are playing. The ego seeks to control and also perpetuates your social mask.
Your true Self is your spirit, your soul, which is completely free of ego-based motivations, immune to criticism, humble, and recognizes the divinity in everyone.
Through practicing silence, stillness, and meditation, we can begin to reduce the internal dialogue in our minds and reinforce our internal reference point to our true self or spirit.
These practices, among many others, can increase our ability to connect to and experience this field of potentiality.
The Law of Giving
The next spiritual law of success is the Law Of Giving, which can also be called the Law of Giving and Receiving.
By recognizing that everything in our universe is in a constant state of dynamic exchange at all levels, we can acknowledge ourselves as participating in this cosmic flow of energy.
Nothing is static.
This is important to note, since your body, your mind, and the universe are in a constant and dynamic exchange of energy.
When we give we circulate the flow of energy that we have received.
The book uses the example of affluence and money. Affluence means “to flow in abundance” while currency (another word for money) means “to run” or “flow”.
If we consider the circulation of money (currency) as a form of energy, we can then see how important it is to continue to increase the flow of energy, in this case, to maintain affluence.
Chopra goes much deeper into the Law of Giving using examples of giving joy, love, and even a simple prayer with the right intention.
Chopra also notes intention as the most important thing behind giving and receiving and provides a few examples of how to apply the Law of Giving in your everyday life.
In reality, receiving is the same thing as giving, because giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And if you stop the flow of either, you interfere with nature’s intelligence.
Deepak Chopra – The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
The Law of “Karma” or Cause and Effect
You know what they say… ” You reap what you sow!” Well, it’s no different in this case when the Law of “Karma” or Cause and Effect is applied.
A lot of times, we apply this when negative situations or experiences occur.
We might say “He or she will get what’s coming to them, Karma’s a b!*%#”
However, the same principle can be applied positively, like when you hear a person described as having good karma.
In either case, we can surmise that the karma you have represents a consequence of an action. However, it’s not only the consequence of an action but the action itself and the consequence of that action simultaneously.
Since every action generates a force of energy, this energy will return to us.
The good thing here is that with karma whether we intend a positive or negative outcome, the action and consequence is based on conscious choice-making.
In every moment, we make conscious choices, sometimes unconscious choices that we aren’t even aware of.
To make the most use of karmic law, it is necessary to become more consciously aware of the choices we make in every moment.
If we are seeking happiness then we should sow seeds of happiness. Chopra explains the significance of conscious decision-making, but to put it simply, when we make any choices, we first need to consider Two things:
“What are the consequences of the choices I am making.” and “Will this choice that I’m making now bring happiness to me and those around me.”
If we can identify the consequences of our choices, and see that they can bring happiness, then the answer is yes. If the choice can potentially bring you distress and unhappiness then the answer is no. Do not make that choice.
Chopra goes on to explain more about the effects of repeatedly making good choices as spontaneous right action, right action at the right moment.
He also, discusses how it is possible for the body to physically assist us in making more good choices, just by becoming more aware of the sensations we are feeling in the moment of choice-making.
The Law of Karma states that no debt in the universe ever goes unpaid. There are three ways we can deal with past karma or karmic debt.
The first way to handle our karmic debts is to pay them back.
Secondly, we can transmute or transform our karmic into a more desirable experience.
The third way of dealing with karma is to transcend it, by becoming independent of it. To transcend karma is to experience more of the gap, more of the Self, or Spirit. This is accomplished through meditation.
The Law of Least Effort
The Law of Least Effort may seem counterproductive on a physical level.
However, when you consider that nature’s intelligence operates with the ease of non-resistance and the least effort, yet it perseveres; you may realize that applying this concept could drastically improve your way of life.
All you need to accept this simple fact is to observe nature all around you.
The flowers bloom, the birds fly; we breathe; our heart beats and blood circulates; the earth spins and there is so much more that occurs without even a thought or effort.
Nature functions effortlessly and spontaneously on its own.
When we are more in harmony with nature, we are more in tune with our true nature or true Self.
Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
Matthew 6:26 (New King James Version)
The book goes a little deeper into the Law of Least Effort and concepts of Vedic Science, including the principle of economy of effort, “do less and accomplish more”.
But let’s take a look at how you can apply some of the components of the Law of Least Effort.
Chopra explains that there are three components of the Law of Least Effort.
One component is Acceptance.
Accepting people, situations, and events, as they occur is important because it is acknowledging every moment as it should be. Each moment is as it is because the entire universe is as it is.
When you struggle against what is or this very moment, then you are struggling against the entire universe.
Instead, decide to accept this very moment as it is, not as how you wish it to be.
Responsibility is the second component of the Law of Least Effort, and it means that you don’t blame anyone or anything for your situation, not even yourself.
Upon accepting the circumstance, event, or problem that you are facing, the responsibility, in this case, means to recognize your ability to have a creative response to the situation as it is now.
An integral being knows without going, sees without looking, and accomplishes without doing.
Lao Tzu
Defenselessness is the third component of the Law of Least Effort, and to summarize, it means to release the need to defend your position or point of view. The problem arises when you become defensive and blame others.
When you don’t accept the moment as it is, you will meet resistance, and the more you attempt to force or defend your point the more resistance increases.
Choose to follow the path of no resistance and nature’s intelligence will unfold spontaneously without friction or effort allowing your desires to manifest with the flow of nature’s desires. The Law of Least Effort.
The Law of Intention and Desire
The Law of Intention and Desire is based on the understanding that energy and information exist everywhere in nature. At the level of the quantum field, there is only energy and information.
The flowers, rainbows, the human body, and much more, when broken down into their essential components consist of energy and information.
Chopra gets into some compelling descriptions of the material world and the elements in relationship to the quantum field. He explains how the human nervous system is capable of becoming aware of the informational content that gives rise to our physical body.
We experience thoughts and feelings subjectively and our physical bodies objectively yet it is all the same how we experience them.
You must accept the present as is. Accept the present and intend the future. The future is something you can always create through detached intention, but you should never struggle against the present.
Deepak Chopra – The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
We are not separate from the universe. On a quantum level, there are no well-defined edges between our bodies and the larger quantum field. Because of this, you can consciously change the informational content of your quantum mechanical body.
Conscious change is brought about by two qualities of consciousness: attention and intention.
There is a lot to unravel here, especially since there are five steps to execute to fulfill your desires.
To sum up some of the concepts and how to apply them we can consider that intention is the real power behind desire. Your intent may be for the future, but your attention should be on the present.
To Apply:
- Make a list of your desires.
- Release this list of desires.
- Practice present-moment awareness.
The Law of Detachment
Intention combined with Detachment allows for present-moment awareness. When an action is performed with present-moment awareness, it is most effective.
According to Chopra, The Law of Detachment states that to acquire anything in this physical universe, you must relinquish your attachment to it.
However, you do not give up the intention or desire for what it is that you want, you give up the attachment to the result.
This is a powerful and sometimes difficult thing to do, but the reward will be manifesting what you desire.
Detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self, I also interpret this as “faith”.
Whereas, Attachment is based on fear and insecurity. The need for security comes from not knowing the true Self.
By letting go of your attachment to the known, and stepping into the unknown, you are stepping into the field of all possibilities. There is a lot more here to dig into when it comes to understanding how the Law of Detachment operates and I highly recommend you read it for yourself.
The Law of “Dharma” or Purpose in Life
Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means “purpose in life”. The Law of Dharma states that we have manifested in this physical form to fulfill a purpose.
Chopra describes the field of pure potentiality as Divinity in its essence, and the Divine takes physical (human) form to fulfill a purpose.
The Law of Dharma is my favorite out of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success and I think will encourage you the most. Simply because its main premise is to recognize that you are unique, with unique talents, and a unique way of expressing them.
There are three components to the Law of Dharma. The first component states that we are here to discover our true Self.
It is imperative at this point, in considering these Laws, that we come to realize that our true Self is ultimately Spiritual.
Essentially each of us is a spiritual being that has been manifested into a physical form and, each of us is here to discover our Higher Self or Spiritual Self. This is the first component of the Law of Dharma.
The second component of the Law of Dharma is to express our unique talents and the third is service to humanity.
Here’s a brief look at some of the actions that we can apply to fulfill this law:
- I will pay attention to the spirit within me, that animates my body and my mind.
- I will make a list of my unique talents and list things I love to do while expressing my unique talents.
- I will ask myself daily “How can I serve?”
Final Thoughts
This was only a brief outline and overview of what is found in the book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.
If these concepts of Spirituality are new to you, I think it is a great beginning and foundation for broadening your perspective on who we truly are as human and spiritual beings.
I still highly recommend this book to anyone, for the value in content and reasonable price.
Chopra, Deepak (1994). The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide To The Fulfillment Of Your Dreams. San Rafael, CA Amber-Allen Publishing/New World Library
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Hayden is a Software Engineer with a Masters in Information Technology and B.A. in Psychology. His passions are varied from traveling to technology, board-sports and all things psychological, spiritual, and mysterious.
Throughout Hayden's life journey, his personal experiences and random synchronicities have had a profound influence on his current beliefs.
Hayden shares his perspectives on what he learns from first hand experience. He utilizes the most reliable resources from sacred texts to philosophy, scientific theories, psychological studies, and historical wisdom traditions.
He hopes to help reveal the similarities that connect all of us, so that we can learn to be more tolerant, less prejudiced and empathetic towards each other.